Finger-Numbing, Toe-Tingling, Nose-Running: Welcome to Limoges, the Coldest Spot in France
I had a realization tonight watching Le Grand Journal. As the lovely meteo lady recited the weather forecast, I noticed-- with horror-- the quickly-falling temperatures across the hexagon of the great French state. But then I realized something even more horrific. Limoges was actually depicted on the map-- a small point with the temperature in centigrade plotted on the green-- as the single, coldest place in the entire country. There it was. And numbers don't lie. In the dead center of France (slightly SW), the miserably low (hovering near the single digits) temperature was the lowest of the low, a cocooned valley of arctic froid surrounded by warmer, sunnier climes.
At 6:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Be patient, winter is coming soon ;-) Try to enjoy the landscape during autumn before trees had no leaf.
Generaly Aurillac is the coldest town in France, you'll see where this town take place in a couple of week.
Nice blog, see you.
At 10:02 PM,
MWN said…
Thank you for your comment! Yes, we've been quite lucky with a gorgeous autumn, with delicious champignons and chataignes... I realized why I've been so cold: the weather outside is quite bearable, but my stone house is freezing! I'm better off camping in the garden :)
Best wishes, Mary
At 4:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh yes, you will see a lot colder than now young lady ;-)
Try to open the house (doors and windows) as soon as there is some sun to warm it up...
And thank your dear one for not living in Aurillac (you will see, the point is slightly south Est than Limoges, but it is a really colder place)
At 8:07 PM,
MWN said…
What a great idea! I will start leaving the windows open as much as possible (it's contrary to my normal impulses-- when it's cold-- but will def. make a difference)
And today was such a gorgeous, hot day. I realized I should shut my mouth (and quit complaining) about the cold because global warming is now quite evident with stranger-than-usual temperatures...
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